La fée
los anhelos, la impaciencia.
Te deseo la fortuna de los amores,
el gusto por los hombres y por las mujeres.
Te deseo una mirada curiosa,
una nariz con memoria,
una boca que sonría
y maldiga con precisión divina,
unas piernas que no envejezcan,
un llanto que te devuelva la entereza.
Te deseo el sentido del tiempo
que tienen las estrellas,
el temple de las hormigas, la duda.
Te deseo la fe en los augurios,
en la voz de los muertos,
en la paz de los hombres
que olvidan su destino,
en la fuerza de tus recuerdos
y en el futuro como la promesa
donde cabe todo lo que aún no te sucede."
Angeles Mastretta
The Artists
Claude Monet
In Memoriam
mientras la noche azul caía sobre el mundo."
Pablo neruda
Cloudy Day
Leonardo Da Vinci
Wing It
People are awesome
Jolie Bobine
Winston Churchill
Paul Cezanne
encuentras el sitio hermoso
no he olvidado tus instantes
Saltar al vacío parece tu estilo
a solas el mar
te muestran el rumbo"
La duda
Hans Christian Andersen
Swing of Change
Mark Twain
Drown To Life
Han Shan
Sur les rails
Jorge Bucay
The Quest
Jorge Bucay
The Quest from Igor Gimbosh on Vimeo.
Nikola Tesla
СИГНАЛ / SIGNAL from Maxim Zhestkov on Vimeo.
Dark Clouds
Carl Sagan
Dark Clouds | Short Film from Peter Szewczyk on Vimeo.
BOB from Jacob Frey on Vimeo.
Herbert Marshall Mcluhan
Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS from Michael König on Vimeo.
The lost thing
Mario Benedetti
Landscapes: Volume Two from Dustin Farrell on Vimeo.
Danger Planet
Miguel Hernández
Danger Planet from Justin Burks on Vimeo.
Jorge Luis Borges
BLOODROP (HD 2D) from Alexei Popogrebsky on Vimeo.
Escape Machines - Surprise
Françoise Sagan
Rainer Maria Rilke
Overcast from Cartoon Brew on Vimeo.
Lilac Wine
Edgar Allan Poe
Lilac Wine from Yevtam on Vimeo.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Jean-François (2009) from tom haugomat & bruno mangyoku on Vimeo.
Sheeped Away
Paulo Coelho
Sheeped Away from Junaid Chundrigar on Vimeo.
Sometimes the Stars
Jorge Bucay
Sometimes the Stars from The Audreys on Vimeo.
Toy Soldier
Victor Hugo
Toy Soldier from Animatorio on Vimeo.
Buenos Aires: Las Calles de Borges
Buenos Aires: Las Calles de Borges from Ian Ruschel on Vimeo.
Little Boat
Eduardo Galeano
Little Boat from nelson boles on Vimeo.
100 ans de mode en 100 secondes
Who's Afraid of Mr Greedy ?
Who's Afraid of Mr Greedy ? from maxime mary on Vimeo.
Aquellos maravillosos años
Aquellos maravillosos años.
Swiss Machine
Reinaldo Arenas
Howl from Natalie Bettelheim on Vimeo.
In The Fall
8 Hours in Brooklyn
8 Hours in Brooklyn from Next Level Pictures on Vimeo.
Jorge Bucay
MORTYS from Bad Kidow Company on Vimeo.
Khalil Gibran
Seasons from Erica Haowei Hu on Vimeo.
The PEN Story
Isabel Allende
The PEN Story from PENStory on Vimeo.
Mac 'n' Cheese
Semilla del recuerdo
First Date
Gioconda Belli
In the rough
Juan Donoso Cortés
in the rough from Cemre Ozkurt on Vimeo.
A Gentlemen's Duel
Charles Chaplin
Gabriela Mistral
Oktapodi by Gobelins from Feride Seferaj on Vimeo.
Tooth Fairy Affair
Eduard Douwes Dekker
Tooth Fairy Affair from Izabela Melamed on Vimeo.
Ramón María Del Valle-Inclán
Gerald Brenan
JUMP from Julien Regnard on Vimeo.
La máquina de pintar nubes.
Blik from Polder Animation on Vimeo.
Mario Benedetti
origins from Robert Showalter on Vimeo.
The Ice Book
Federico García Lorca
Splitscreen: A Love Story
mientras la noche azul caía sobre el mundo. "
Pablo Neruda
Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths on Vimeo.
The Rocketeer 20th anniversary
Albert Einstein
Defective Detective
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Defective Detective from Cartoon Brew on Vimeo.
Let's Pollute
Miguel Hernández
Let's Pollute from vequemeque :) on Vimeo.
Madagascar, carnet de voyage
Paul Morand
Zero from Zealous Creative on Vimeo.
Zapping Life
Lucian Blaga
Oneironaut from Erica Kobren on Vimeo.
Jackson Pollock
Paulo Coelho
Rabbitkadabra! from Rabbitkadabra! on Vimeo.
AI - 50 years
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - 50 years from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.
Carving the Mountains
Silvio Rodríguez
Carving the Mountains from Juan Rayos on Vimeo.
Dwight Eisenhower
Optimist from Brian Thomson on Vimeo.
¿Por qué desaparecieron los dinosaurios?
Terry Pratchett
Wasily Kandinsky
TIJI "COLOUR" HD from AKAMA on Vimeo.
Joseph Pulitzer
Paraphernalia from Sabrina Cotugno on Vimeo.
Press the button
Press the button project from Pauer on Vimeo.
Super Lopez contra al robot de bolsillo
Mahatma Gandhi
200 entradas
Sé que sois muchas las personas que seguís la web que lo hacéis de forma anónima, y quiero pediros como pequeño favor el que aportéis algo en esta entrada. Porque como dijo Aldous Huxley “Existe al menos un rincón del universo que con toda seguridad puedes mejorar, y eres tú mismo.”
¡Muchas gracias!
Mahatma Gandhi
Garuda from Andres Salaff on Vimeo.
Silvio Rodríguez
Spiral from Matt Clark on Vimeo.
William Shakespeare
ARK from grzegorz jonkajtys on Vimeo.
Red Rabbit
Nelson Mandela
Red Rabbit from Egmont Mayer on Vimeo.
Terry Pratchett
parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.
Le Royaume
Leonardo Da Vinci
Le Royaume from Sébastien Hary on Vimeo.
André Maurois
Trichrome Blue from Lois van Baarle on Vimeo.
25 Years of Pixar Animation
Ramón Gómez De La Serna
Mark Twain
(notes on) biology from ornana films on Vimeo.
In Dangered Species
Richard Dawkins
In Dangered Species from Ringling College of Art + Design on Vimeo.
El Maltrato "Sutil"
Rain Town
Gioconda Belli
Bon Appetit
Bon Appetit from Kilogramme on Vimeo.
The Cyclotrope
The Tadpole
Leonardo Da Vinci
The Tadpole from Passion Pictures on Vimeo.
Scrat in Love
Drawing Inspiration
Mark Twain
Drawing Inspiration from Wesley Louis on Vimeo.
This Is Where We Live
Salman Rushdie
This Is Where We Live from 4th Estate on Vimeo.
Paulo Coelho
LOOP (shot with EOS 600D / Kiss X5 / Rebel T3i) from Canon France on Vimeo.
Trompe L'oeil
Hector Tassinari
Trompe L'oeil from Tyson James Dale on Vimeo.
Human Planet
Robo rainbow
Henri Matisse
robo-rainbow from mudlevel on Vimeo.
Be part of the movement
Nikola Tesla
We Are All Connected
Wayne Dyer
Gabriel García Márquez
Oscuro Cardinal
Thomas Mann
OSCURO CARDINAL from adrianguerra on Vimeo.
Giuseppe Mazzini
The Chapel
Albert Camus
TheChapel. A short film. (HDR timelapse) from Patryk Kizny on Vimeo.
City Lights
City Lights - 1D MKIV from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.
El empleo
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
El gato que quería ser pianista
Pedro Salinas
el gato que queria ser pianista from Lola Corbalán on Vimeo.
Copia A
Billy Wilder
Copia A (3D animated short film by Trexel Animation) from Trexel Animation on Vimeo.
Blade Runner
Johan August Strindberg
KURZSCHLUSS from Xaver Xylophon on Vimeo.
La Bruxa
LA BRUXA from lafiestapc on Vimeo.
Growing is Forever
Rabindranath Tagore
Growing is Forever from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.
Streets Against The War
Albert Einstein
Sokak Savaşa Karşı | Streets Against The War from sokak savasakarsi on Vimeo.
Dictaphone Parcel
José Saramago
Dictaphone Parcel from Lauri Warsta on Vimeo.
The Beauty Of Life
Soren Kierkegaard
The Beauty Of Life from Goro Fujita on Vimeo.
Sebastian's Voodoo
Leonardo Da Vinci
Bad News
Joseph Goebbels
Bad News - A Media Fiction (Diplom) from on Vimeo.
Journey through Canyons
Ingmar Bergman
Journey through Canyons from Metron on Vimeo.
My Favourite Things
Tu recuerdo es de luz, de humo, de estanque en calma!
Más allá de tus ojos ardían los crepúsculos.
Hojas secas de otoño giraban en tu alma."
Poema 6. Pablo Neruda
My Favourite Things from kidswithcrayons on Vimeo.
Gopher Broke
Henry Ward Beecher
The cat came back
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